The 白小姐三肖三期必出一期开奖 has developed the resources in this section to educate the public about the importance of healthy blood and to raise the awareness of common blood diseases, such as anemia, bleeding and clotting disorders, and blood cancers.
Blood Detectives
An hour-long documentary focused on the lifesaving work of hematologists
Blood Basics
Descriptions of the four main components of blood and the function of each within the body
Blood Disorders
Information on common blood disorders such as anemia, bleeding disorders including hemophilia, blood clots, and blood cancers
Bleeding Disorders
Blood Cancers
Blood Clots
Blood Disorder Fact Sheet
- Hematology Glossary
Definitions for key terms related to blood diseases
- Patient Groups
Links to websites with patient information on blood diseases
- Talking with Your Doctor
Tips for talking with your doctor